By Daniel & Sonja Rechnitzer

"Underneath the self-doubt, you are already the greatest version of yourself you always hoped 
you'd be" 
Sonja Rechnitzer

Truth, Wisdom and Realisations

Quotes Since 2008. We hope you enjoy them!

Infinite Knowing

“THINKING is a poor substitute for the KNOWING that is available within." Daniel Rechnitzer
“Your intuition is your access to an infinite intelligence beyond the Mind." Sonja Rechnitzer


"Greatness comes from stillness, disappointment and failure comes from believing you don't have time to be still." 
Sonja Rechnitzer
"A busy mind may have you feel like you are getting somewhere. A still mind has you see there was never anywhere to get to in the first place."
Daniel Rechnitzer

Change Your Inner Reality

"Our Outer Reality is a reflection of our Inner Reality. What you believe in your Inner Universe becomes reality in your Outer Universe." Daniel Rechnitzer
"What you believe becomes what you conceive." Sonja Rechnitzer

Your Infinite Brain

"Intuition takes you beyond what you know, to the knowing of the Universe. Why wouldn't you want that?"
Sonja Rechnitzer
"If you see yourself as the mind, you will only know what the mind knows. If you see yourself as the Universe, you will know what it knows."
Daniel Rechnitzer

Making Money

"Money is attracted to these 3 qualities:
Self Belief  – Knowing It Can Be Done
Self Love – Putting Yourself First
Self Purpose – Expressing Your Gift To Fulfil A Need

How are YOU tracking with these three?"
Daniel Rechnitzer

"I've always found, that when I focus on making money I lose out on Self-Love, but when I focus on Self-Love, Money comes naturally, and I don't lose out on anything!"
Sonja Rechnitzer

Law of Attraction

"Q: What Is The Law of Attraction?
 A: When you see yourself as more, you will experience and have more!"
Daniel Rechnitzer
"Self Love is the highest vibrational frequency available to us. When you resonate at this frequency you cant help but attract experiences you will love yourself for."  Sonja Rechnitzer
"Follow the joy, it’s like your GPS to success in all areas of life." Daniel Rechnitzer
All that you seek is already within you. All that you aspire to be, you already are!  Daniel Rechnitzer

Dare To Be Different

"It’s ok to move away from what the mainstream do. What others do is not an indication of what should be done, but rather just an indication of what people are willing to accept into their lives."  Daniel Rechnitzer

Energy Is Information

"There exists a library of sublime magnitude, available to us all. It’s called Energy! Our brain perceives energy. Everything is energy. Energy carries information. Information is therefore everywhere! Turn on that powerful antenna – your brain – and “tune into” the source to see what’s really possible for you in your life!"
Daniel Rechnitzer

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Acquire Wisdom First and Foremost

"Wisdom lies deep within us all and our intuition is the access. Its time to train your brain to access what your intuition knows versus what the mind thinks it knows."
 Sonja Rechnitzer
"It seems absurd to spend your entire life acquiring physical possessions when you don’t get to keep them. Why not spend your life acquiring spiritual awareness, it’s the one thing you do get to keep!" Daniel Rechnitzer

Spiritual Goal Setting

"Why have more than one goal, when there is only one goal required. That is: To BE Your True Self! BEING GREAT produces greatness in ALL areas of your life!" Daniel Rechnitzer

"I always have goals, one of my biggest goals is not to ever be attached to any of my goals."
Sonja Rechnitzer

Be What You Seek Around You

"Love yourself and you will feel all the love around you. Hate yourself and all you will perceive is the hate around you. Our outer world mirrors our inner world." Daniel Rechnitzer

"If I'm not getting the love and respect I need in life, then I ask myself, where am I not loving and respecting myself in my life?" Sonja Rechnitzer


"The EGO is everything you believe you are and everything you are truly not." 
Sonja Rechnitzer

"The ego is  every small idea you have ever had about yourself . Your True-Self is every infinite idea you have not yet had about yourself. "
Daniel Rechnitzer

All that needs to happen now, is for you to forget everything you think is true!  Sonja Rechnitzer

Still Searching for a You?

"Are you still searching for yourself? Stop now! You never had a "self "in the first place."
Daniel Rechnitzer


"Beliefs are ideas you have about yourself. The Truth is an idea your yet to have about yourself.  The Mind is made of beliefs, the Universe is made of Truth. Which do you listen to?"
Daniel Rechnitzer

Science or Spirituality?

"Science and spirituality are one. Spirituality is the intelligence of the universe that created all sciences." Daniel Rechnitzer

Understanding The Universe

"You cannot know true science until you know your true self.  Your true self is the universe you’ve been trying to understand."
Daniel Rechnitzer

Science or Spirituality?

"Every star in the sky is a different idea the universe has had about itself.  We are all from different stars expressing their ideas onto the earth plane."
  Daniel Rechnitzer


"Seek not success in your life, rather seek to be without the need for success. That’s true success."
Daniel Rechnitzer

"When a baby is born it is already considered a success. You were born a success, you are still a success today and will remain a success for eternity."
Sonja Rechnitzer

Your greatest accomplishment isn’t to achieve outward respect or admiration, but self respect and admiration!  Daniel Rechnitzer

Limitless Genius

"The mind is not the source of your genius but the hindrance to it. Genius comes from beyond the mind not from within it."
Daniel Rechnitzer

You Are The Lens

"We do not see our reality as it us, but how we are. Expand how you see yourself and you will expand how you see life."
Daniel Rechnitzer

The Void Within

"The tragedy in life is, we continually destroy what matters for that which doesn’t matter. We do this personally destroying our health and relationships to make more money, we do this globally destroying the planet for commerce and industry. Why? Because we don’t believe we matter, and we are what matters."
Daniel Rechnitzer

Less Is More

"Don’t aim to make life better, it often makes things worse. Rather aim to make life simpler, that’s always better!"
Daniel Rechnitzer

The Void Within

The tragedy in life is, we continually destroy what matters for that which doesn’t matter. We do this personally destroying our health and relationships to make more money, we do this globally destroying the planet for commerce and industry. Why? Because we don’t believe we matter, and we are what matters.
Daniel Rechnitzer

Less Is More

Don’t aim to make life better, it often makes things worse. Rather aim to make life simpler, that’s always better!
Daniel Rechnitzer

If you don’t do what you love each day, you’ll never live a life you love. Sonja Rechnitzer

You Are Enough

"People have achieved a lot more, with much less greatness than you currently have. The only difference is, they believed in their greatness, more then you currently do."
Daniel Rechnitzer

Less Is More

"Don’t aim to make life better, it often makes things worse. Rather aim to make life simpler, that’s always better!"
Sonja Rechnitzer


"Being a parent puts you firmly in the experience of God. You get to create through love, you get to love unconditionally and have an infinite desire to support and nurture your amazing creations."
Sonja Rechnitzer

Joy Vs Happiness

"Joy is pleasing the heart, Happy is pleasing the mind. Let go of the need to be happy and you will live with permanent joy."
Daniel Rechnitzer

Letting go of what's untrue is the secret to unveiling the real you! Daniel Rechnitzer


"Criticism is one of the only things on earth that takes no skill and no intelligence, whatsoever. So stop being afraid of it, because its not come from experts."
Sonja Rechnitzer

Leave The Past Behind

"If you never let go of where you have been, you’ll never get to where you’ve dreamt of going."
Daniel Rechnitzer


"We think to doubt and question ourselves makes us better. It’s self-belief that makes us unstoppable!"
Daniel Rechnitzer

Follow The Joy

"The secret to fulfilment is to stop doing what you think you should do, and start doing what you have always wanted to do."
Daniel Rechnitzer

The Mind

"The mind is everything that still requires healing."
Daniel Rechnitzer


"Time isn’t what ages the body, it’s what you believe in the mind that ages you."
Daniel Rechnitzer

"What you believe about yourself is either giving life or taking away life. Take away more of what you believe and you will have more life to receive."
Sonja Rechnitzer

Life is always giving, we just have to open ourselves to receiving. Ask yourself in every moment, what is life wanting to give me right now? Daniel Rechnitzer

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